Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Casting fail.

Well, I have my first issue to post about! Auditions for Il re pastore were on Saturday. It turns out that the auditions also determined casting for the two opera scenes shows we're doing in October and December. The cast list for all three was posted today, and I was not cast for a single blessed thing. I was crushed. Even people who didn't audition got cast! I spent most of the morning and afternoon moping and wondering why I'm here.

Then my teacher, Virginia, pulled me aside before class. She told me that she was very happy with my audition on Saturday and thought that I showed real progress in being able to prepare it. She also said that she's glad I wasn't cast in anything, because now I have so much more time (6 hours a week!) to really work on all the new things I'm learning right now. She reminded me that I'm learning a LOT of new things very quickly and am being asked to immediately incorporate them.

And you know what? She's right. One of the biggest things I've had to adjust to since getting to grad school is that more is expected of me. I'm having some trouble keeping up with those expectations, so why load a bunch of responsibilities on me now? It would be better to spend a solid semester on technique and figuring out what the heck my fach is than to spend it doing all that PLUS learning how to learn a role, PLUS actually learning and performing the role. It wasn't so hard to see the silver lining this time around.

So I'll spend my time working on coloratura and keeping a stable larynx instead of learning tons of recitative. I think I'm okay with that.

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